
API Status: Affected

Android SDK v2 ReleasesImprove this page


  • Migrate to Enigmatic-Smile GitHub organization


  • Updated consent text for Mastercard cards.


  • Add a few more card verification metrics tracking features to help us improve our services.


  • Add card enrollment & verification metrics tracking features to help us improve our services.


  • Transaction Stream Android SDK is now Stable! We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey – the Transaction Stream SDK has officially transitioned from its beta phase to a stable release! After months of rigorous testing, we are confident that Transaction Stream SDK is ready to empower your projects so you can create more valuable, engaging experiences for your customers.


  • Removed card scanning feature, please make sure to delete the Fidel.enableCardScanner and Fidel.shouldAutoScanCard configuration.


  • Updated the micro-charge descriptor text to the correct one.
  • Fixed a security issue where the screenshots were taken in the Task Switcher.


  • Added Norway to the countries supported by the SDK.
    • If you specified the allowedCountries property, remember to add Norway, to have it in the Country of issue field.
    • If you didn't customize the allowedCountries property, Norway will automatically show up in the Country of issue field after you integrate the newest version of the SDK.


  • Card scanning will now be disabled by default, use Fidel.enableCardScanner = true to enable card scanning.


  • Useful features for corporate card enrollment, but not only:
    • The Fidel.thirdPartyVerificationChoice property to allow cardholders to choose between verifying the card on the spot (as previously available) or indicate that the cardholder does not have access to the card statement and needs to delegate card verification to a third-party entity.
    • The Fidel.verifyCard function to attempt card verification for a previously enrolled card. This function can be used for either the cardholder or a third-party entity (that cannot enroll cards, but can verify cards).
    • (Experimental feature) The Fidel.onCardVerificationChoiceSelected callback that communicates the cardholder's choice and intention to either verify the card on the spot (because the cardholder has access to the card statement) or to express the intention to delegate card verification to a third-party entity.
  • Adds the Fidel.onCardVerificationStarted callback which communicates that card verification has started for a card that was enrolled in a Fidel program. This callback provides the consent details that are created, in order to start the card verification.
  • Changes in the verification screen text that gives a better description on how the micro-charge will be displayed in the card statement
  • Removes the currency symbol during the input of the verification token (the micro-charge amount).


  • Fix the error that caused the user to be stuck on the "Link card" page after choosing to reconnect a card.


  • This version displays better text to cardholders explaining that card verification micro-charges will be refunded within 72 hours.


  • Fixes some result errors.


  • This version provides a comprehensive error message in case the micro-charge fails. You don't need to make any changes to your code in order to use this version.


  • Removed the FidelResult.VerificationSuccessful. Replaced with FidelResult.Verification.
  • We are now providing cardId as part of the FidelResult.Verification


  • We've now blocked the SDK for cardholders that use insecure devices. If a cardholder has an insecure device, you'll receive an error of type DeviceNotSecure via the onResult callback that you can set. Please treat this error in the most appropriate way for your app.
  • We stopped allowing copying card details from our SDK's input fields. Only the "Paste" operation is allowed.
  • Allow expiration date editing without switching to country selection.


Support card verification in GBP for UK issued cards.


We updated the "Fidel" name to "Fidel API".


We updated the Fidel logo.


We merged a few changes that we did in our public SDK:

  1. Add support for the resConfigs optimization parameter. Now, if your app attempts to optimize resources and set the resConfigs parameter in gradle (which might remove some of our string resources), our SDK will display either strings in the default language (English) or in one of the languages supported by your app. This also depends on the device language and how the Android system resolves string resources.
  2. Added the defaultSelectedCountry property which sets the country that will be selected by default, when opening the card enrollment screen.
  3. Removed the card scanning confirmation screen. Users can confirm their card information by checking the information in the Fidel card enrollment screen.


  1. The Card Verification steps/screen now supports locales that use ","(comma) instead of "."(dot) as amount digits separator. The view will force the display of the amount with a "."(dot) digit separator.
  2. If the user did not complete the card verification step (but did succeed to enroll a card) the SDK opens the card verification step when the app is re-opened. We made a few changes related to this process:
    • Before opening the card verification step automatically, when the app is re-launched, we make sure that the Fidel SDK is configured correctly. If it is not configured correctly (it misses parameters or they are not valid) then you'll receive an appropriate error, if you're using the Fidel.onResult closure. In case the SDK was not configured correctly, the card verification step will not be opened automatically.
    • If the user did not complete the card verification step, closed the flow at this step, but does not quit your app and attempts to re-connect the card (by pressing on the button in your app), we'll take the user directly to the card verification step, to continue the process. Previously the user had to enroll the card again, which would have caused an error. By letting the user continuing the card verification process, we avoid errors in this scenario.
  3. The targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion have been updated to version 31.
  4. Updated the following dependencies:
    1. androidx.core:core-ktx:1.8.0-alpha02
    2. androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.1
    3. androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.3


  1. Renamed the package of the SDK to com.fidelapi.
  2. Renamed the present function (which opened the Fidel card connection UI) to start, in order to align with the web SDK.
  3. Rename privacyURL property to privacyPolicyUrl.
  4. Rename termsConditionsURL property to termsAndConditionsUrl.
  5. Rename autoScan property to shouldAutoScanCard.
  6. CardScheme, Country, ProgramType data types are not be subtypes of the Fidel class anymore. They are separate enum classes now.
  7. We made the companyName property mandatory, as it is reflected in the consent text the user has to agree with before enrolling a card, so it made sense to make it mandatory. If the property is not set, you will not be able to open the Fidel card connection UI, but receive an error result immediately after the attempt to start the card connection process.
  8. The allowedCountries property has been transformed from an List to a Set. If you allow multiple countries, they will now be sorted alphabetically.
  9. Updated dependencies:
    1. androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout to version 2.1.2.
    2. androidx.annotation:annotation to version 1.3.0.
  10. Remove the getInstance() function of the Fidel facade class for consistency purposes. We’ll keep using static properties and functions.
  11. onMainActivityCreate function is now a static function, so it will be called like in the following line: Fidel.onMainActivityCreate(this).
  12. Improved the result objects and we are providing more types of results, during the card connection processes. In order to achieve this, we made a few changes to our SDK results related APIs:
    1. Removed the ability to receive results in the onActivityResult function, because it allows receiving only one result during the card connection process and only when the process is finished. However, users can receive multiple errors during the card connection process, but also a successful EnrollmentResult and a VerificationSuccessful result.
    2. In order to handle a result, you have to set the Fidel.onResult property. We removed the fidelCardLinkingObserver and the FidelCardLinkingObserver interface. The Fidel.onResult callback can be called multiple times during a card connection flow. In order to receive results during the entire card connection process, please set the onResult property in your Main Activity’s onCreate function, like all other Fidel configuration properties.
    3. The possible results that you can handle are subclasses of FidelResult(sealed Kotlin class). They are the following:
      1. data class Enrollment(val enrollmentResult: EnrollmentResult); EnrollmentResult was previously named LinkResult.
      2. object VerificationSuccessful.
      3. data class Error(val error: FidelError); FidelError was previously named LinkResultError.
    4. Renamed the LinkResult class to EnrollmentResult.
    5. Transformed the EnrollmentResult into a Kotlin data class.
    6. Renamed a few properties of the EnrollmentResult class and for some properties, we also changed their data types which are more suitable:
      1. id has been renamed to cardId.
      2. created has been renamed to enrollmentDate.
      3. Changed data type of enrollmentDate from String to a Long, that you can use with your preferred Android date & time APIs.
      4. Renamed the live property to isLive.
      5. Renamed firstNumbers to cardFirstNumbers.
      6. Renamed lastNumbers to cardLastNumbers.
      7. Renamed expYear to cardExpirationYear.
      8. Renamed expMonth to cardExpirationMonth.
      9. expDate of type String was removed, as we already provide cardExpirationYear and cardExpirationMonth.
      10. Renamed scheme to cardScheme.
      11. Changed the data type of cardSheme from String (which used internal scheme identifying strings as values) to CardScheme, our custom data type to provide type safety and which was already used for the Fidel.supportedCardSchemes property.
      12. countryCode has been renamed to cardIssuingCountry
      13. Changed the data type of cardIssuingCountry from String (which used identifiers of countries as values) to Country, our custom data type that is easier to work with in Swift and that it was already used for the Fidel.allowedCountries property.
      14. Removed the getError function.
    7. Changes in the LinkResultError class:
      1. Renamed it to FidelError as now it’s possible to receive errors during the card verification process, not just during the card enrollment process.
      2. Changed data type of the date property from String to a Long, that you can use with your preferred Android date & time APIs.
      3. Renamed the code property to type.
      4. Changed the data type of the type property from String to FidelErrorType , which is a sealed class introduced to identify types of errors easily in Kotlin (please check this class to see the types of errors that you can handle).
    8. No results are Parcelable anymore, as that is no longer necessary.
    9. All properties of our result instances (of FidelError & EnrollmentResult) are now immutable (val constants)
    10. All properties of possible responses are correctly optional or non-optional.
    11. It’s possible to handle errors with the type UserCanceled during any stage of the card verification flow, if the user cancels it.


  • Renamed the apiKey property to sdkKey.
  • Added the programType property and the ProgramType enum to specify the program type that you'll use in your app.
  • If the programType property is set to .transactionStream, users will be able to start the card verification flow.