
API Status: Affected

Guide to migrate to v2 of the Android SDK for Loyalty applicationsImprove this page

Update your Fidel API Android SDK integration

If you used Jitpack to integrate the Android SDK

Replace the Fidel dependency inside your app/build.gradle by this one:

implementation 'com.github.Enigmatic-Smile:android-sdk:2.2.0'

If you manually integrated the Android SDK

  1. Replace the FidelSDK.aar by the latest one.
  2. Remove the following dependency
implementation 'io.card:android-sdk:5.5.1'
  1. Add the following dependencies:
implementation 'com.scottyab:rootbeer-lib:0.1.0'
implementation 'io.split.client:android-client:2.13.1'
implementation ''

Update the minSdkVersion

Previously the minSdkVersion was 19. You'll have to update it to 21, to use the Fidel API Android SDK v2.

Check the following code as your migration guide

Use the following code as a guide related to the changes that to integrate with the Fidel API SDK:

import com.fidelapi.Fidel // was import com.fidel.sdk.Fidel
//remove all com.fidel.sdk imports

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        Fidel.programId = "Your Program ID"
         * We recommend storing the SDK key on your server. Please use one of your endpoints to retrieve it 
         * and then configure the sdkKey property with it.
        Fidel.sdkKey = yourSdkKey // previously apiKey
        // remove Fidel.autoScan
        Fidel.allowedCountries = setOf(Country.CANADA, Country.UNITED_STATES, Country.UNITED_KINGDOM)
        Fidel.supportedCardSchemes = setOf(CardScheme.VISA, CardScheme.MASTERCARD, CardScheme.AMERICAN_EXPRESS)
        Fidel.companyName = "[Developer company]"
        Fidel.termsAndConditionsUrl = "" // termsConditionsURL
        Fidel.privacyPolicyUrl = "" // was privacyURL
        Fidel.deleteInstructions = "[Developer set delete instructions]"
        val jsonMeta = JSONObject()
        try {
            jsonMeta.put("id", "this-is-the-metadata-id")
            jsonMeta.put("customKey1", "customValue1")
            jsonMeta.put("customKey2", "customValue2")
        } catch (e: JSONException) {
            val exceptionMessage = e.localizedMessage
            if (exceptionMessage != null) {
                Log.e(FIDEL_DEBUG_TAG, exceptionMessage)

        Fidel.metaData = jsonMeta
        Fidel.bannerImage = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.fidel_test_banner)?.toBitmap()

        val btn = findViewById<View>( as Button
        //Fidel.start() replaces Fidel.present()
        btn.setOnClickListener { Fidel.start(this@MainActivity) }
        // replaces Fidel.setCardLinkingObserver
        Fidel.onResult = OnResultObserver { result ->
            when (result) {
                is FidelResult.Enrollment -> {
                    Log.d(FIDEL_DEBUG_TAG, "The card ID = " + result.enrollmentResult.cardId)
                is FidelResult.Error -> {
                    Log.e(FIDEL_DEBUG_TAG, "Error message = " + result.error.message)

    private companion object {
        private const val FIDEL_DEBUG_TAG = "fidel.debug"