Auto-approve brand consent until your heart’s content
We’re walking with a spring in our step as we squish some pesky bugs and release some shiny new features. Check out what we've been working on in the last month...
Product Update: Introducing Fidel release notes
We’re on a journey to be more transparent. After all ‘foster transparency’ is one of our core values at Fidel. Today we’re introducing the Fidel Release Notes – a chronological list of user-facing changes, large and small, made to the Fidel platform. The Release Notes will supplement major announcements on our blog and are made up of smaller updates and enhancements you might not hear about otherwise. They’ll include new features, security updates, deprecations, improvements, and much much more!
Product Update: Auto-approve brand consent to your heart's content

The most requested feature of the year... so far! You asked, we listened and delivered. If you’re capturing brand consent yourself, you can now auto-approve consent via the api or the dashboard. Plus, we won't spam the brand by sending them emails...onward to inbox zero. View Documentation
Product Update: Introducing card-linked offers API 🎁
Last week, we announced a brand new Offers API. It’s available to all our live accounts! Card-linked offers allow you to qualify transactions based on amount, days of the week, minimum spend, etc. You can use the new Offers API to
- Create an offer
- Get an offer
- Delete an offer
- Link locations to an offer
- Email offer to Brand
For more information, check out the Documentation and the Offers API Reference.
What we’re writing: Banking on an Open Future

‘Enjoyable’ is not a word most people would traditionally use to describe the relationship with their bank. It’s been a one-sided relationship for far too long. But disruptive technology is changing the banking landscape. FinTech is bridging the gap between conventional banking and a smooth user-experience. Think Monzo, Square, TransferWise, WeChat or Facebook Messenger. Payment app, Venmo handled $19 billion USD in transactions in the fourth quarter of 2018 alone. The moral of the story? The financial platforms of the future aren’t archaic banks, they’re technology-driven. Read the rest of the story
Next Time: React Native for a smooth as butter experience
We’re working on a React Native bridge, so that you’ll be able to use the native mobile SDKs in your React Native apps. Keep an ear to the ground, we’ll be announcing it in the coming weeks.
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